Friday, 13 April 2012

HD feedback

HD Feedback
Unfortunately since your video is listed as private I cannot view it. But I can tell you that your blog is in a poor state despite me repeatedly telling you put it in order.
There are is as yet, no evidence of ancillary pieces.
From what I remember of the film I would currently mark it as follows:
Level 3 (24-31mks)
The candidate is expected to demonstrate proficiency in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
·        shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene. M3
Generally proficient use of camera and appropriate variety of shots employed for the genre (documentary). More care could’ve been taken with the framing in certain set-ups. Mise-en-scene not entirely relevant as with documentary, the filmmaker is largely constrained by the “found” shooting environment. Locations selected appropriate.

·        editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects M3
Editing has allowed an interesting story to emerge from the rushes and it has been shaped quite proficiently by the filmmaker. The use of captions and transitions is appropriate for the stated target audience (teenagers/ BBC3 viewers).

·        recording and editing sound with images appropriately. M3
Sound and editing generally proficiently handled with use of clip on mics lending the piece the necessary sound quality for interview set-ups and links to camera. Occasional lapses in this.

This would give you a Mid Level 3 – 28 mks out of a possible 40. (This works out as 70% which would be a B though this is very much dependent on how well you complete the other 60% of the tasks).
Blog is worth 20
Ancillary pieces 10 each
Evaluation 20
If you get everything else in order, you could finish well.

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