Friday, 13 April 2012

Jahura group feedback

Nothing for me to look at film-wise so I can only comment on the blog:
Currently the blog is insubstantial to say the least. I have reiterated many times the importance of keeping up to date with the blog and you all have a lesson set aside with Ms Shillingford every Monday, so there is no excuse for not posting something relevant, at least once a week.
As I have said before the blog should contain about 40 short-ish posts covering the PLANNING, RESEARCH and PRODUCTION, and to be finished off with the EVALUATION based on 7 specific questions, which we will be addressing in the next few weeks.
You need to look at another blog to see how it’s done; though you should’ve already done this weeks ago. Check this one out;
In its current state (unwritten though admittedly unfinished) the blog would be marked with the following criteria.
Level 1 0–7 marks
Planning and research evidence will be incomplete;

There is minimal research into similar products and a potential target audience;

There is minimal organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;

There is minimal work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;

There is minimal care in the presentation of the research and planning;

Time management may be very poor.

I would probably give it approximately 5 or 6 marks out of a possible 20.

You need to include picture references for things like costume and props, location stills to show that you put some thought into planning. References to other films to show that you have done some research into the kind of film you’re trying to make.
The blog is supposed to show you have gone to considerable effort to make the film as good as you, in order that, if it is not creatively on the level of Citizen Kane, then at least you will have some record of your intentions and be able to still get a reasonable mark.

If you complete the blog along the lines that it currently stands it will get no more than a basic mark (8-11 marks).
NB: You need to create a menu down the side of the blog page so that your posts can be organised into the months they were posted and be collected under headings such as RESEARCH, PLANNING, PRODUCTION and EVALUATION. 

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